3744 Astrozon Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Last updated August 14, 2021
Our Commitment to Our Loyal Customers
Here at Club Tilt & Grill, we are committed to providing a safe and hospitable atmosphere during this unprecedented time of COVID-19.
Therefore, we strictly comply with the guidelines set forth by the CDC and our Colorado Governor and take additional measures to keep you safe and compliant.
Five Easy Steps to Keep Our Employees and Guests Safe
1. Feeling Sick? PLEASE STAY HOME. We request that all staff and customers stay home, self-isolate, and get tested. The fun and food will still be here once you're feeling better.
2. Venue Sanitizing. We have increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing high-touch surfaces and common areas such as touch screens, door handles, and menus. Additionally, we sanitize all surfaces between guest visits, including our tables, chairs, condiment holders, digital ordering devices, self-service areas, utensils, and food containers.
3. Face Coverings & Temperature Checks. All employees and guests are subject to have their temperatures checked before entering. Employees and guests are required to wear a mask or face covering per CDC guidelines and government mandates.
4. Social Distancing. Guests and staff are required to practice social distancing as required by governmental mandates. Tables and chairs are appropriately spaced to remain in compliance.
5. Patience & Respect. Our community means a lot to us. Without you, there would be no us! We're doing all we can to provide the Club Tilt & Grill Experience we've all come to know and love. Please help us keep our community club safe and compliant by abiding by all rules and government mandates. Our staff and guests are our priority. We understand that the measures we take to keep you safe may be different and a little frustrating at times, so we ask that you remain patient and respectful as we all persevere through this time together.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and patronage.
- Club Tilt & Grill